I literally have no inclination to write at the moment. It’s not that I don’t have the time, it’s just don’t have the will.  I’d be lying if I said this laissez-faire attitude hasn’t spilt over into many other projects. It’s another moment of clarity in the land of the un-routine.

I am still struggling to find normality in this rhythm of irregularity. There are literally no two days alike, from start to finish, and everything in between. Each day is an adventure, an opportunity to build something great from the freedom that lay ahead.  Time is but the greatest of these, in all its undervalued glory.  We cannot get it back.  It can’t be saved-up or bought from the store if we run out. It is an intangible anomaly in a universe of highly accepted tangibility.

I am continually confronted with this new awareness; of time, as a finite resource.  We can splish-splash in it all we want but at the end of the day, it will never be the infinity pool we so dream of.  It seems a rare case where perception is not in fact reality, yet, here we are. No matter how endless the pool appears, it too is constrained by the limited supply of water, power, and caretakers to maintain it.

Instead, we are confined to an old concrete bowl of times past. This functional enclosure offers us an even spread of this ethereal substance, and like it or not, it begins leaking from the day we are born. Yes, there are things we can do to slow its materialisation.  But nought can be done to prevent the inevitability of this future skate rink entirely.

Jana Payne riding the pool with confidence in the 1970s

Jana Payne riding the empty well of time.

So, here I am. Confronted daily with my inevitable doom. Face to face with this shrinking mass of water, of time, of life. It is easy to get taken aback by the bleak nature of these facts but that view will not add more hours, or gift extra days. There is no sympathetic response in denying these truths.  But, by confronting them head-on, there may be a chance to plough their fields for prosperity. A filling of one’s personal bank if you like; with meaning, fulfilment, and financial reward.

It sounds so noble, doesn’t it? A life worth living. A rebuttal to the expectation that your role as a human being is bound by your economic worth.  It is an actuality that has pained me my entire life.  Our education system, our workplaces, the nature of big business, and the epidemic of poor management in the smaller.  I have turned and twisted. Resisted with subtle and not-so-subtle force. I writhed in internal agony as the necessity of a functional and financial baseline suffocated my true hopes and dreams.

psychological damage

But my perspective has changed, evolved. For the first time, I truly see the benefit in those of you who stay in the world of the new normal. My inner rebellion presented so strong in the past that it pained me to see the greatness of others be suffocated by the wastefulness of the regular. It was a coping mechanism for my own inability to escape, and it manifested in a push onto those around me to do the same. ‘Come on, we can do this together! A walkout, a revolution, a heist of our own lost liberty’. But the motley array of responses were all valid. Facing the alternative, I now realise, is not something I would wish on many. If you get some enjoyment out of whatever it is you do, if you excel in your role, if you are getting paid good money, if you are not in a world of discomfort – stay. Stay as long as you goddamn can. Pursue passionate endeavours and creative ventures outside of these hours. Yes, your time may be limited and your energy depleted. But your financial ability will be plentiful and in this modern world, you must use at least part of these means to practice such worldly delights. I apologise if I ever made you feel that your pathway was not earnest. The ache was mine to own and any attempts to engineer a softened blow to my own outcomes was futile.

Ignacio Aronovich :Louise Chin

Me: Getting Off My High Horse

Enough deflection. Time to shoot the arrow where it belongs.
Hello.  My name is ZB and I am an alcoholic.
I kid, I kid, I’m not really!  It just rolls off the tongue so well.  Sorry, back on task.
My name is Bec and at the ripe age of 32, I have finally been diagnosed with ADHD.
Yep, you heard it here first folks!  And, unless your life has been touched in some way by this big-bag-of-unfocused-fun, you are likely to have waded through the deep sea of (mostly incorrect) assumptions. I know I was certainly guilty. I reserved these four letters for hyperactive young boys, lazy parenting, and overprescribing doctors.  Because it was easy that way.  And yes, I’m sure that there’s a percentage of people who fit under this umbrella of stereotypes regardless.  Buuuuut, by applying these generalisations to everyone, it further reinforces the negative connotations for people who truly do struggle with this ‘disorder’. It also masks the real issues at hand, such as the high rate of missed diagnosis in young females and adults.

Let’s debunk some of the junk in the trunk, walk with me.


  • The correct term is ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
  • The term ‘ADD’ was eliminated from the diagnostic manual back in 1987.
  • Some experts assert that ‘attention deficit’ is a misleading name.  ‘Attention deregulation’ may be more accurate since most people with ADHD have more than enough attention — they just can’t harness it in the right direction at the right time with any consistency.Read: ADHD is not a damaged or defective nervous system, it is a nervous system that works well – using its own set of rules.2

rules are for fools


  • Meta-regression analyses estimate the worldwide prevalence of ADHD at around 6.2% for children and adolescents, and 3.4% in adults.3
  • Further reviews across 199 worldwide studies found no significant difference in prevalence between countries. Researchers, therefore argue that ADHD is not a cultural construct associated with a particular geographical location.3


  • As proven by studies of twins and families, ADHD is a highly hereditable condition. Yes! Genetic factors are the major cause of ADHD in individuals.4
  • Children whose parents have ADHD have a 40% to 60% chance of also having it. Sometimes a child’s diagnosis can be the first clue that a parent may have ADHD.7
  • Secondary factors such as lifestyle choices, personality style, toxic pollution, exercise, nutrition, socioeconomic factors, and parenting behaviour can all improve or worsen outcomes.5,6


  • Diagnosis in adults is not always straightforward as there is often an age-dependent change in symptoms. The older the person, the less obvious symptoms become.8
  • Furthermore, ADHD has a high rate of comorbidity, meaning that it is often present alongside other diagnoses which may cloud the symptoms.9
  • To qualify for an ADHD diagnosis, at least some of the symptoms should have been present during childhood or adolescence, even though they may not have been recognized at the time.10
  • The medical incidence of ADHD is equal among males and females, however, females are half as likely to be diagnosed. The reason for this stems from a range of factors including gender-specific behaviour norms, severity of symptoms and socioeconomic considerations.9
  • Multiple criteria must be established before diagnosis including the age of onset, pervasiveness, impairment (social, academic or occupational functioning), exclusionary conditions, and symptoms.
  • An individual must present with a minimum of 5 out of 9 symptoms if they are over 17 years (or 6 out of 9 for those under).12   Once the criterion and symptoms are fully established, the person will be diagnosed with one of the three ‘presentations’ of ADHD.  They are:

1. ADHD Predominantly Inattentive (ADHD-I)
One-third of people diagnosed will have this subtype.  They might present with serious inattention problems but have minimal issues with hyperactivity/ impulsive symptoms.10  ADHD-I is far less likely to be recognized by parents, teachers, psychologists and doctors so people rarely get the treatment they need with this type.10, 13

cindy brady

Girls tend to have this type more than the others so they are less likely to be recognized as having ADHD because they are not being disruptive enough to call attention to themselves.10

2. ADHD Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type (ADHD-HI)
The hyperactive/impulsive subtype is the lowest presentation for adults with ADHD.14  Children with hyperactive symptoms are difficult to ignore. The ones bouncing out of their chairs or clowning around are usually the first to be evaluated and diagnosed.13

3. ADHD Combined Type (ADHD-C)
Around 56% of adults with ADHD have the ADHD-Combined subtype.14  Also known as ‘a bit of column A, a bit of column B’ teehee.

Under these presentations lies a comprehensive list of singular symptoms that vary greatly from person to person.  Whilst there are many effective ways of managing ADHD presently, the continual development of more individually tailored treatments is important.
So, have you guessed my ‘type’?
I’d like to go with contestant number three thanks Greg!  Why limit yourself to one set of symptoms when you can order the lot?

an easy life? boring
I have soooooooo much more to tell you.  How this all translates to my world; past tense, present tense, and how I can make it work for me not against me in the future.  I’ve gone through a stupid amount of medical journals, articles, research papers, and global websites to find some real gems!  I think there might be a whole other post just dedicated to the proven link between ADHD and….entrepreneurship!!  Everything is starting to make sense.  Stay tuned, and reach out with any questions (or messages of hope – that I too could become a ‘finisher’ one day!).

See ya round like
a rollerblade,

ZB x

Cover Image: tylerspangler.com



Life has slowed down.  But it is not quiet.  It is filled with a plethora of activity, both old and new.  Some of it is useful, a lot of it – undecided, and a fair portion; utterly useless.  The full-time sabbatical has come to a halt but the transformation from it, still very much underway.

I have come to enjoy my own company so much more in these past few months.  Perhaps, too much.  Who can be sure?  What is the ‘right’ amount?  I struggle to remember mundane memories from the past but I’m quite sure that I was never fully relaxed for days on end with only myself for entertainment.  It turns out when alone, I am a multitude of the human experience.  I am frequently lethargic and sloth like, creeping from room to room searching for motivation and action but more often finding pacifiers for my monkey mind.  But I have this clarity over that time like never before.  In fact, it has come to my recent attention that this constant fatigue I face may not be within the realms of acceptable.  And so, with this extra time – I have been able to spend more time with the experts to try to understand what it is I have done to my body.  Or, what in fact, it is doing to me.

For the first time in the longest time I can remember, I am starting to have a positive relationship with my body.  No, not that heebie jeebie body love stuff.  We are a long way from that.  More so; a foundational awareness of its capabilities, downfalls and underlying connection to everything else that I identify as myself.  I’ve come across a fascinating amount of research that supports my recent discovery that the body carries more of our mental scars that we give it credit for.  The physical scars are obvious; weight, immune system, digestives, physical marks/aches/pains from wars past.  But the mental scars on the body are not as obvious.  In fact, mine were so well hidden under a busy job, largely intoxicated social life, and sheets of depression – that I never considered the symptoms that now seem blindingly obvious.


Me owning the shit out of…something.

Just like those of us who suffer from stress or trauma-related bruxism (excessive grinding or jaw clenching), it turns out this unconscious and unrelenting muscular grip can appear across many places in the body.  I’m sure many of you can relate to excessive tightness in your neck or upper back when you’ve had a particularly stressful week.  Now imagine this pain all over your body, for years on end.  It’s exhausting.  This ‘muscle-armoring’ puts your body in a permanent state of fight or flight.  This may come as a surprise to those who know me.  I am usually found in a constant state of chill.  But Bessel Van Der Kolk was bang on when he said that ‘the body keeps score’.  Consciously and unconsciously; it most certainly does.   Have a go.  Clench any of your muscle groups as tight as you can for five minutes and tell me how you feel.  Tired, exhausted, in pain.  That’s just the short-term stuff.  The unbelievable part is that I have been in physical pain for so long but the mental and emotional pain was so intense that I disregarded the aches in my body for an unbelievable amount of time.  They just became a part of everyday life, albeit a skewed one.

Ah, the body.  An amazing organism that needs much more credit than we ever care to give it.  So I have found a yoga studio that is unlike the many I have been to before.  To be honest, I’ve practiced yoga very infrequently over the past 10+ years.  It never really ‘grabbed me’, so to speak.  I mean, not much exercise did.  I wavered through many rough battles of a hate-hate relationship with the category.  It didn’t come natural.  I didn’t enjoy it.  I was too far into my own mental anguish to care enough about the physical benefits.  Then I layered on every other excuse on top; no time, no money, no motivation, no hope.  But life is not black and white, and although I am not even halfway on my journey, I have learnt that it is possible to have a different relationship with something other than love or hate.  I no longer hate exercise but nor do I love it either.

Like all habits, growth, movements, progress – the change occurs in the grey space.  We must adapt and evolve, or sadly; die.  My money, motivation and time has come and gone but now I work with what works for me.  I sweat the small stuff that leads to the big changes.  I do my strength training with a trainer.  And now, I do my yoga in a community and friend who are supportive and nourishing for my being.  Also, it’s heated, and it turns out – these bones NEED warmth.  I look forward to going on a winters morning.  Who says that about winter, morning exercise?!  I never thought I would.  So anyway, this practice is good for me.  It is fast and sweaty, and I am fully in my body during class.  And then, it is peaceful and purposeful because the teachers and the community make the mundane memorable.

I have a new-found appreciation for meditation.  And no, I am not ‘there yet’ either.  Yes, I would like to practice it more, be better, sit stiller.  But that is not the only point to be made.  Meditation isn’t some Everest-type climb where you get a gold star at once you reach the top.  It is becoming comfortable with your practice today.  In whatever state it is in.  It is a perfect reminder to get our heads out of a future that has not occurred yet.  I think it would be beneficial for me to create a daily habit here but again, I am only but a human on a continual journey not a leaper of peaks and pinnacles.


I discovered this building in the middle of my city.  It’s always been there.  I think I’ve even walked through it.  But I’ve never really noticed it until recently.  Noticing things is great.

One of the other things I do now is learn more.  Unstructured, informal learning.  I used to feel so guilty about this.  Like I was wasting my time.  And I can see how many people would still see it that way.  I am not learning to achieve a certificate or a qualification (and lord knows, I could do with a few more).  There is no real goal or end state.  It is just learning for learnings sake.  That is, to grow as a human being and expand my mind and perceptions of myself and the world around me.  I am not forced into specialisation or specification.  Nor am I bound in a fruitless game of memory against those advantaged and disadvantaged so.  For me, structured and academic learning has predominantly taken the ‘fun’ out of learning.  The one size fits all methodology enables these foundational teachings to hit the widest audience but unfortunately it has then stunted, in a perpetual cycle of box ticking and slow progress.

Yes, I am still completing my Masters but I made the right decision to sit this current unit out.  I completed the unit’s content across two undergrad subjects I did last year but the powers that be will not credit a postgrad unit with two very recent and well scored undergrad subs.  Don’t even get me started on the practical workplace skills I have to cover this unit either.  Let’s just say, I dodged a bullet anyway.  This unit got more than half the enrolled students up in arms about its excessive workload, lack of any real learning, and complete cluster-fuck of responses from the University in question.  Seriously guys, if you’re gonna keep charging people in this country $40,000+ for a two-year postgrad degree – you sure as hell better make it worthwhile.

I digress.  Back to the elephant in the room.  Yes!  I went back to paid employment.  Why?  Because I wanted a new challenge, I wanted to work for someone great, I wanted to try a new, smaller company environment, I wanted to work with great products, I wanted to interact more with customers, I wanted to create some structure in what had become a very unstructured lifestyle.  It took time to find the right place.  If I told you some of the things I got rejected for on the way, you’d laugh…in horror.  But my heart wasn’t in a lot of them and it showed – in my multiple failings.  All for a reason though, right?  Absolutely.  I have landed a role that is sufficiently challenging, fast-paced, freeing, rewarding and opportunistic.  And it is quite possibly the last direction I thought I’d find myself in.  But that is exactly where I need to be.  The obstacle is the way.  To growth, pain, progress, discomfort, joy, fulfilment and oh, it’s PART TIME.


Who wouldn’t want to work at a place that sells things like this.  Collection: We Go to the Gallery

I have this unbelievable balance in my life at the moment.  In an average week, I:

  • Work in the office a few days
  • Do some work from home
  • Study formally or learn twice as much informally
  • Move in my body through yoga and strength training
  • Eat out and socialise with new friends and old
  • Listen to copious amount of music which I have learnt is a MUST for my soul
  • Slowly chip away at my future ventures – a coworking space, media plans, boutique accommodation ownership, becoming an ethics teacher…and so much more
  • Spend quality time with my husband; cuddling (yep), talking, eating naughty things, living, laughing and loving the shit out of each other
  • Go to cheap and free appointments at student clinics – I’ve had some serious wins
  • Explore my local neighbourhood and all it has to offer; who knew these places existed on weekdays also
  • Sleep like a mofo – many hours, many days
  • The biggest thing of all, is a lot of the time – I DO NOTHING.

Yep.  Sweet-fuck-all.  And it is GLORIOUS.  So I’m totally not quite there yet with the guilt-free aspect on this one but that hasn’t really stopped me anyhow.  I walk around the house with messy hair, in my pyjamas or gym clothes and pause for an impromptu one-woman dance party.  I sing really, really loudly, often.  I even have a karaoke mix which gets a fortnightly belting.  I sometimes Marie Kondo (excessively organise and minimise) stuff that has been sitting there for years. I roll the skateboard under my feet while sitting at my desk looking at pictures of dogs.  I water the household plants far too infrequently.  I talk to the fish.  I cried when one died this week.  I hadn’t cried in so long.


Yes, a picture of two alpacas.  What of it?

I connect with people across the world despite spending much less time on social media.  I have never turned the TV on during the day in 6 months and I am a better person for it.  I read.  I sometimes find this unbounded motivation to do great things with my mind and my body.  I think, a lot.  I also don’t think, a lot.  I do crosswords.  I plan ahead.  I miss trams and trains.  But I don’t rush.  I am conscious and polite in public.  I have this magnified awareness.  I feel sad for the state of the world then positive for the state of the youth whose relationship to the world and people is much better than previous generations.  I’ve learnt so much about international politics.  And not through biased news channels.  I am an open mind.  I sit in the sunshine as often as I can.  I buy less things.  I don’t cook very much still.  I enjoy vacuuming.  I’m learning to be a better sober friend.  I’m fairly new to this.  I still drink.  If that’s what you were wondering.  Sometimes it’s awesome.  Sometime’s it’s not as awesome anymore.  But that’s ok.  Seasons change.  Thanks Future Islands.  Great song that.

I’ve obviously reached the limit of my logical thought (really?).  Basically life is currently both up and down with a shitload of middle-ground spread in between it’s thick and juicy slices.  I am not entirely comfortable at the moment nor am I in any discomfort.  Which is nice.  I would like to write more.  And talk more.  I really need to start that podcast or doco.  One day.


Look at all of these people.  Aren’t they great.  I bet you there’s more good people than not out there.  Let’s stop celebrating all the knob heads.

Until next time.  It’s just you and me kid.  Not the world or the politics or the bullshit.  It’s just you and me.  So be kind to yourself and each other.  Let’s show those ‘cants’ that we’ve got this.  Good will prevail.

Peace x


I’ve yearned to write a new post the past few days.  The struggle is getting real, the hurdles aplenty and the pain bodies continue to call out my ego despite my efforts to muffle them.  But it is not in my being to write another post about the strain.  I will not feed it or humour it, I will not give in to the easy route.  On the occasions that my mind is still, I am reminded that the overwhelming driver of the past three months has been a place of peace.

There has been a new baseline of living.  Completely separate from the physical realms of things like financial wellbeing, my overall presence has been, well; better.  I am conscious not to use the word ‘happier’ because I don’t think it’s accurate.  Happiness is a state that I aspire to as much as the next person but it is just that; a conscious awareness of such.  This place I have been spending more time in is different because it occurs mostly unbeknownst.

In this place of unconsciousness, of being, I have been free.  Free to breathe deeper breaths.  To sleep in a few more minutes after a restless night. To read pages of a random book.  To take in the colours and smells and sounds of my neighbourhood.  To take longer showers.  To sometimes, not shower at all.  To eat less.  To feel the sunshine on my body more.  To undertake an intense period of learning.  To make mistakes and have the space to understand how not to make them again.  To cook a meal.  To do laundry and vacuum and dust – and enjoy it!


Literally a picture of me studying in the sun last week.

Surprisingly, and perhaps to the concern of my therapist, I have thoroughly enjoyed the absence of routine.  It’s a double edge sword because I know routine keeps me at my ‘most polished’.  But, for the most part, I have really loved – not being polished.  There will come a time when the pendulum must find an equilibrium but until then – it’s a natural-faced, messy bun, Birkenstocks; kind of life.  Which is quite freeing in itself.  There is a good reason why Obama and that-Facebook-guy wear the same thing every day.   It’s so their decision-making muscle is reserved for more important things throughout their waking hours.  How great is this.  What an effortless way to contribute to stemming fast-fashion.  Minimalism at its’ best.

So you know, after my loose morning routine, I start proceedings by working on the things that I feel most closely to that day.  Deadlines influence, as does weather, and funds – but besides that, the day’s to-do-list is what I make of it.  My life has slowed, dramatically.  There is no rushing or missing out or clashes.  I was even early for a meetup with friends the other day; I had to call my husband to share the moment.  I now look at events on weekday evenings, and consider them instead of instant dismissal.  It has opened up this whole other world of activity.  None of which is obligatory.  So I attend some and not others.  It is no big issue.  But it is fulfilling.  Like I am seeing more of my city and its possibilities.  Feeding more time into my interests.  Even the insignificant ones.  Like visual feasting on Pinterest.  Or wasting time but not mind on suduko and arrowwords.

I am grateful for the people in my life.  They provide support and understanding, friendship, growth, and fun.  There are those whom without their presence; the journey of life, would not be so enjoyable.  There is an ease that is unexplainable.  It provides an unconscious inner comfort that could never be brought or inorganically manifested.  And for reasons I am yet to understand, our communication stays active despite my conscious fear of answering the friendship phone (yep, sprung).  They fill in the gaps that I create and our time together is none the wiser when we are in each other’s presence.  They make life worth living and I couldn’t recommend a better bunch of people to any soul in search for a soothing song.


Who could not love this mad bunch?!

Which brings me to the Unicorn.  I find this one the most difficult to describe because our time together has provided a somewhat rebirth for me.  Combined with the long and hard hours I spent bettering myself prior, it was by the grace of the universe, that this human and I were brought together after many years of distant acquaintance.  This was to both of our surprise. And once seen, it could not be unseen.  So, it was with dreamy hearts that we began our journey together.  I’d be lying if I didn’t say that, for the most part, we have spent the last six and a half years together being very stupidly, madly and happily in love.  Do we have a secret?  Is there such a thing?  I think it helps to marry someone open-minded who loves you more than you love them – both ways.  Together your selflessness will continue to burn bright no matter how big the hurdles that make tracks in front of you.

But it is not without reason that I have left the big picture till last.  Sometimes I forget it’s significance and importance but mainly, it’s presence never leaves my side.  It is my purpose.  My ikigai.  My reason for being.  I am grateful that this current time in my life is an uncomfortable push.  A shove.  A hard boot up the ass.  To find a closer pathway that is my calling.  It is in the discomfort of the past few months that I have had to dig deeper and continue to unearth the new road on this lifelong journey.  It has twisted and contorted.  Sometimes feeling ugly and uncomfortable, it has risen again shedding the heaviness and beholding bigger and better places of beauty.  It is through this process that I have come to lose a few balls, a few marbles and a few unstable paths.  But all for reason.

So as I continue to search for that role that fits like a glove, I push on with my side projects and passions which may inevitably be that match.  I am not in control of very much these days but I do have assets.  And seeing as I cannot seem to get rid of them (despite my best efforts in some cases), it is time to take my lemons and make the best damn limoncello that this town has ever seen.  I am literally in the process of selling all the old shitty furniture in my apartment and swinging in some jazzy new stuff (thanks interest-free).  I am turning this unused, light filled, open-aired hunk of a space into my next chapter.  Insert ‘Ontwerp Huis’.

Meaning ‘design house’ in Dutch, this space in inner city Melbourne, will become the new permanent home to eight designers or ‘ontwerpers’ as they will be known.  I really do love working from home but feck me, it can get lonely, boring, isolating, distracting and on some days – a little bit loco!  What I truly miss about the corporate world is a team to bounce ideas off, to share the lows and celebrate the highs with.  I’m not gonna lie, I’ve already brought the Friday-night-drinks trolley – it’s the tits.  This permanent workspace won’t be like any others you’ve heard of or been too.  For it would be remiss of me to open a workspace that reverted to the old rules of the game.  Practice what you preach, right?


Ok, so maybe not this fancy – but close!

A governing set of ‘Huis Principes’ will guide the family.  Productivity is king and the pomodoro technique will be a daily fixture.  The office will be paper-free for the most part, coffee will be offsite, and the biggest advancement is that we will only be open 4 days a week.  Because progress. For you; the individual, the business owner, the entrepreneur, the ontwerper.  And for society; your families, your friendships, and your community.  It is a forced day out of the office and into your clients world, your places of inspiration, your home without weekenders or your ‘third space’ – a café or library or local place that completes your (scientifically proven) productive triangle.

Holy crap, that feels good to share.  Like the rest of my life, the website is ‘under construction’ but I will share the love as soon as it’s complete.  In the meantime, if you know any absolute-fucking-legends (no more, no less) who own their own business, are designers, or entrepreneurs, or just need to work outside of their corporate office a bit more (but still get shit done) – then please send me a message, text me, or call me (I’ll pick up, promise).  I’m looking for an all-star cast; no egos, no bullshit, such a bunch of rippers looking to shred through their own next chapters in epic form.  Introverts, extroverts, feelers, thinkers, black, white, LGBTQFD, whatever the fuck you are – if you are someone who works hard, respects the people and places that surround you, and doesn’t mind a cheeky Friday night vino – then,  this one’s for you kid!

Yours in eternal gratitude,
Zig B x